
Saturday, April 9, 2011

I am back....

Did you miss me ?? Common tell me you missed me !!!
As briefly described in the previous post i was lacking time in the short 24 hours days to write the blog. Mainly due to the work arrangement i had and that i will get back to writing latest Saturday... and here we are Saturday 4:45 am , Gdansk Airport (Poland). Just went through security and having a nice latte in the departure lounge. Gosh they have loads to learn here in this country yet when comes to attitude of airport security. Yes, we got it, we need to take the shoes off, but a simple ‘Good Morning  back’ and perhaps a smile would make a hell of a difference. No, this is not because their shift is almost over, i am convinced they are trained not to smile ! As my hubby would say: 'Give them uniforms and they will go mad with power'. In my opinion they should be forced to travel to Western Countries of the Old Continent during their induction curse to learn about attitude of public servants.. Next Year Poland will be hosting one of the biggest European sport events - football tournament - EURO 2012 and i would suggest to all football fans who will be in Poland for that event, to leave to the airport at least 3 hours before the scheduled departure time. Otherwise you might miss your flights. I can guarantee you all, that the Polish boarder forces will ensure that the queues will be very long.
Anyway, another weekend at home and therefore let’s not waste any more time on the negative energy around me. In about 3 hours i will be on the train from Prestwick to Glasgow Central. That’s what matters.
As you probably have gathered from the previous posts this is a very significant weekend for me. On Monday i have my blood checks after starting the meds. I can not believe it has been 4 weeks already. Over all i feel great, had really only few small side effects  and in fact i am not sure if some of these were actually related to the medication at all. The feeling of dizziness at night is less and less strong, there was only one outburst of a skin rash i had in the second week. I guess the biggest disappointment for me is the fact that the night sweats are still here. Ok, not every night as it was for past few months before treatment, however still very uncomfortable. I can not say that i am cool about Monday clinic appointment. I am getting nervous. I do hope the sustiva and kivexa combination are working and that my immune system is getting stronger. Starting the meds was a great hurdle for me to overcome, a mental hurdle. I think i have handled that very nicely (also with help of this blog) and i wouldn’t like to learn that my strain of virus is ‘smarter’ than my medication. I will try to stay positive (LOL) till Monday. 
If you never been to Glasgow you wouldn't know however there is something about the Glaswegians that you simply fall in love them from the very moment i meet them. I remember this from all these years ago when i have first arrived in bonny Glasgea and this is still the case. They are very open and very friendly folk. (Yes, I have a great idea -  perhaps the Polish boarder security forces should be send to Glasgow for a month or two). Waiting in the ‘priority boarding queue’ i have met a lovely couple Stewart and Jackie from Glasgow’s West End who spent a week in Gdansk and they said they had a great time. Stewart had already a few bevies this morning as he doesn’t like flying and he was kidding the cabin crew who looked at him like he was from a different planet as they didn’t have a clue what language he was speaking. We talked about Glasgow for a bit and believe or not, no football team was mentioned at any point of teh conversation. Very quickly however, Stewart fell asleep, resting his head on Jackie’s shoulder. Aaawww, i have thought... how nice.....
Glasgow has welcomed me with usual gray skies, however by lunch time the sun burned off the clouds and the myst and its a beautiful spring day now. Going out shortly, taking my pal Gordon for lunch for his 60thies....aaaayyyyy.... i mean 50thies birthday (sorry Gordon). I am looking forward to a nice afternoon at SARTIES on Bath Street with a good company and some red wine. Wishing you all a very fabulous weekend.


  1. You're getting back to Glasgow quite a lot these days. That can only be good for the spirit. If you've ever had any doubts about your level of English, please rest assured it is as good as the average Glaswegian.
    Sarti's in Bath St is meant to be a nice restaurant. My cousin Louisa worked there for a week about eight years ago. She decided it wasn't for her, and they wouldn't pay her for her work. So I've never been, and I would never go.
    Good luck on Monday.

  2. Of course we all missed you, not only the writing, but you in person. I hope you had a nice lunch wi your friend Gordon, and did not eat too much Birthday cake xxxxx Vera
