
Monday, April 18, 2011

Modern Family....

Recently i have started watching ‘Modern Family’ - an American comedy sitcom. It’s something about it that is catching my attention but i can’t put my finger on what that is.
I am kind of hooked already after watching half of the first season. Its made like a semi diary / semi documentary where apart of the story line, the characters have their own say about different issues / problems in front of the camera (like an interview). These are every day problems and issues that so many families are facing every day. Last night i have suddenly started think about our families (mine and David’s) and i became a little sad. Why ? Well, I have realized that apart of the fact that we don't have kids, we also don’t have any nieces and nephews (David is the only child and my brother also doesn’t and won’t have any kids). We don't really spend much time with our families. Well, i don't, anyway. Although recently my father and i are getting along pretty good and finally me talking about 'we' (meaning me and David) doesn't cause any arguments, so i am seeing them more often. There is also a language problem. David's Polish is very limited and only few of my cousins  speak some English. 
Yes, we do have many straight friends with small and big families and we love them very much. We spent time together and, do things together and going on holidays together.... Somehow however this isn’t the same.... Never before, thinking about it has made me sad, until yesterday. I haven’t spoken about it to my hubby...and i will probably get into trouble that he is learning about my feelings from the blog and not from me personally....but i want to share it with you all right now...I think I would like to have kids.... Why are we all working so hard and are chasing the money and the careers if at the end of the day we don’t have anyone to pass our experiences and leave behind our achievements ? What is the purpose of our existence ? .......and please don’t worry, this is not depression talking - far from it in fact.

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